𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙢𝙚 !
hi! i'm 15 & i live in the u.k, i'm a kpop stan & anime fan, i'm a black lives matter ally & an lgbtq+ ally!
i support lgbtq+ rights & feminism. on my page i hope to educate u, my page is open to everyone except conservatives, homophobic people etc
i want to spread awareness about numerous things & hopefully we can achieve equality someday. until then, i will do everything i can to help educate people (:
i strongly support ACAB & want to defund the police.
i believe that black people are treated differently & dehumanised by the police sometimes which is WRONG.
george floyd wasn't a wake up call. we have been fighting for equality for YEARS & so many lives have been lost since then.
we still haven't got justice for breonna taylor, elijah mcclain, ahmaud arbery, trayvon martin & so many more innocent people.
the colour of their skin is NOT a weapon & they deserve to walk home feeling safe rather than paranoid because maybe a cop will see them as a threat.
why should they be taught to speak extra respectfully to the police officer so they don't get shot when they're pulled over for literally NOTHING.
i support feminism because there is STILL a wage gap, because men & women arent treated equally in almost every country & because women in some countries (like turkey) are being murdered & r!ped solely for being a woman & the government of their country is doing little to nothing about it
its's obvious to pretty much everyone that women are often degraded in "jokes".jokes relating to dishwashers, cooking & cleaning. if someone points out that its actually very degrading then they get called a "simp" or called a "snowflake".
the joke isn't funny at ALL & they cover their casual sexism w/ "it's just a joke"
i also support feminism because men are also oppressed. i believe that men should be able to express their emotions w/o being called weak.
men should be able to make themselves vulnerable & be in touch w/ their feminine side.
men are often degraded when they cry & most of the time its from other men.
men get r!ped & most of the time, nobody believes them just because they're a man... this is so wrong because they get sexually assulted & get told "you should've enjoyed it". this is sickening because they feel like they can't go to anyone. men deserve to have their story told. saying "you should've enjoyed it" defeats the whole purpose of equality.
i can try to educate u on these topics!
my dm's are ALWAYS open if u ever need to just talk to someone
i want to hear ur opinions on this, dm me if u have different opinions or the same opinions (:
i post daily so u can learn abt new things everyday
i will talk about how men & women are oppressed, equality, the yemen crisis, the concentration camps in china & so much more
i am open to constructive criticism! (:
if u have a completely different opinion to me then i will hear u out but u have to respect the opinions i have too.
i just started this so if its a little bit of a mess then i'll definitely make it more organised in the future.
i hope u have a good day<3